Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Dog Bed Is Not Just For Christmas

The domestic dog is the most extensively kept hunting, working and companion animal in the history of humankind despite having descended from that most fearsome of predators, the grey wolf.

In the domesticated form the dog has been used for a multitude of purposes. Without using sled dogs it's quite possible that humans wouldn't have been capable of crossing the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia prior to the advent of suitable mechanical transport, in spite of it being only some fifty miles across.

Dogs are also used, and in some cases still are utilised, for hunting, protecting property, rounding up sheep along with other farm animals, mountain rescue, domestic and industrial security, military operations, assisting the blind or partially sighted, and various aspects of policing work including sniffing and crowd control. The greyhound obviously is also famous in the racing community.

Pedigree dogs are bred and cultivated, sometimes being entered into competitions. The annual show at Crufts is famous across the world, and is widely accepted as the foremost event available.

There's nothing your dog won't do to make you happy

Typically though the dog is kept as a simple pet, and to many is a loyal companion they would not be without. Dog owners take their trusty pets for walks, bathe them, pamper them, play with them and show them the same affection that they receive from their loving pets.

There seems to be little a dog will not do to please its owner. Chuck a stick and it will run and retrieve it, even from a freezing pond or a river. Usually a dog will intuitively protect its owner from any threat, real or imagined, seemingly without fear for its own security and no matter the odds.

It is because of the devotion and loyalty that the dog shows towards its human companion which makes us want to take care of them, to endow them the rewards and also the comforts that they most certainly deserve. We will feed them and gives them treats. The look of appreciation on their faces when offered their reward is repayment enough for the sacrifice.

Petsafe Remote Trainer: What Is It All About?

Everyone loves to have a pet in their homes and dogs are usually chosen because of the fact that they are man's best friend. Not only that, but dogs usually provide a sense of security and safety to the homeowners.

However, dogs need to be trained while they are still puppies to become better in following orders as well as to generate a good relationship with the owner. When it comes to dog training, there is one device that will help owners out easily and that is with the use of the petsafe remote trainer.

A dog trainer would normally recommend that an owner should buy a collar for a dog and what better collar to buy than the petsafe remote trainer. It makes use of a collar attached to the neck of the dog that makes a sound when the remote is pressed.

The Petsafe remote trainer allows people to train their pets using sounds whenever they did good or bad during training. Training puppies using it will produce results after a few weeks which is why it is such a favorite among dog trainers.

There are different versions available in stores today, which will greatly benefit dog owners and trainers alike. There are some that can be used for puppies and even adult dogs that are too stubborn when it comes to learning instructions.

The Petsafe remote trainer can be found in most animal shops but for those who want to get access to a wider selection of remote trainers, the Internet is the logical choice. Most online shops that are selling this product usually have prices included so people can easily compare them with that of other companies.

Training dogs will benefit dog owners a lot especially when they want a pet not only as a safety measure, but also as a companion in their homes.

How To Take Care Of Your Dog's Health?

Most of the people who look forward to make it certain that their pet is in good health; forget about the importance of pet's food in this respect. Here are few instructions following which you can make sure that your dog is in good health and the chances of your pet to get sick also get minimized.

1. Prepare Dog Food at home:

This is most important aspect that should be taken care of in order to ensure that the health of your pet is good. Most of the people go for the commercial foods for their goods, which is not a good choice. The reason for this is the fact that the commercial foods have a lot of chemical products combined with other ingredients that make the food very delicious and tasty, but in the long run, are not good for the stomach of the good. On the other going for home made food is certainly the best option. The fact that the food that is cooked at home is not only of high quality, but also has the ingredients that have no chemical addition and are not dangerous for the health of your dog makes this a better choice compared to that of commercial food.

2. Follow the correct recipe for cooking Pet's food:

Although, preparing the food for your pet at home is the best option always, and this fact cannot be denied, but the thing that should be taken care of is the method of preparing or cooking food at home. The people who go towards making food for dog at home mostly do not follow the exact recipe, and hence the cooked food is not of good quality. The wrong way of cooking is the worst thing that would damage the health of your dog. Therefore, forget about the aspect that your dog cannot speak and express about the taste of the food, because ultimately a badly cooked diet is going to be harmful for the health of your pet. Therefore, I would suggest you to go for a good cook book in order to make different types of foods that are full of nutrition for your puppy.

3. Exercise:

Apart from a healthy dog food, exercise is something that should never be neglected even for your pet. It has been observed, that sometimes the lack of exercise and the development of other bad habits leads towards different diseases in pets like dogs and cats. The lack of movement and eating in excess results in the obesity, which ultimately leads towards the lack of stamina in the pet; and hence causes the pet to be a great prey for viral diseases and so on. So, take care of your dogs' health by taking him for walk with you on daily basis, so that the pet remains active and healthy.

These are some of the important aspects that can ensure the good health of your dog. So, follow the above mentioned instructions in order to be sure that your pet remains a source of happiness and smile for you always. Moreover, read some good dog food books in order to become knowledgeable about dealing with the health issues of your pet in the most appropriate manner.

Holiday Shopping For Your Dog

It's that time of year again! Time to go Christmas shopping for your puppies. Your pets understand that something is different; the just don't realize that the holidays have arrived. They observe the commotion in the house. The get a whiff of all the amazing smells of the holiday food cooking, and they discover there is something intriguing underneath the tree that just grew in the family room. Then, on Christmas Day, they see the other family members laughing and giggling, ripping objects open and finding toys and treats! Our pets are usually left out! They don't understand why they are being ignored.

Do not overlook your pets this year; let them enjoy the fun of the holiday season. Our dogs love opening their own presents and are even neat about it. One of them will take his present into a different room, open it and bring it back.

Aren't sure what to get your dog for Christmas? Here are some ideas your dog is sure to love!

As far as your dog is concerned a stuffed dog toy is the best! This is probably why there are so many stuffed dog toys available today. Skinneeez brand is one of my favorite "stuffed dog toys" because they come without stuffing. Our dogs love them and I don't have to worry about my dogs eating the stuffing or picking it up from the floor any more. If you are looking for a holiday theme stuffed dog toys, you can find a large variety of toys shaped like Santa, Reindeer or other Christmas items.

What about toys to play fetch or tug with? There are several toys on the market for this purpose. There are tug toys made of fleece, some made of rope and others made with a combination of parts. There are balls, Frisbees and other pet toys for fetching. Some toys can be used for both purposes.

Do not forget the healthy pet treats! Dogs like pet treats just as much we do! From Nylabones to healthy dog treats, biscuits to training treats, the options are endless. You can even buy stockings full of pet treats made especially for your pet. You will have to be careful though, as with our children, our dogs will over-indulge on pet treats if allowed. Make sure to supervise them with any chew toys you may buy for them.

Our dogs bring such joy to our lives throughout the year, don't' forget to include him in your holiday festivities this year. He will enjoy it as much as you do and they deserve it!

Happy Shopping!

Go For Home Made Dog Food To Save Your Money

The people who have a wish to keep the pets at home, mostly love the dogs and cats in the category of pets. Pets are mostly faithful, and we want to take their of their food like we do care about our own nutrition. But there is no doubt in the fact that today the pets foods that are available in markets are mostly expensive, and it is hard to afford these along with many other expenses of home. So, it is a good idea to go for the home made dog food, so as to save some balance and also to give a nutrition of better quality to your pet.

So, we can simply say that the dog food that is cooked at home is not only a great way of saving money, but also ensures you that your pet is taking food that is of high quality. Being prepared in your own presence, and you being aware of the ingredients of the food, it is basically a source of satisfaction as well.

Normally, we are not familiar with the ways of how to cook the dog food; and so we are required to find a good cook book that can help us in putting in the exact recipe of cooking the food for our pets. There are several good books that can be downloaded from internet for free. Moreover, if you go to a book store, then you can easily find the pet food cook books.

A great cookbook by Ann N. Martin is "Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts about Pet Food". In this book the author has provided the details about different kinds of dog foods, as well the recipes for cooking different foods for dogs as well as cats. It gives the details about different foods and their benefits for your pet. Another good book written by "Richard H. Pitcairn D.V.M., Susan Hubble Pitcairn" titled "Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats " focuses on the nutrition that lists the foods that can be used for the treatment of pets when they get sick. We can simply call this book a superb addition to the collection of healthcare books for the pets.

There are lots of books that are available online, and also in different books stores plus libraries, that would provide you with the detailed instructions about the care of your pets from every respect. Whether it be the healthcare of your pet, or you wish to prepare some healthy and full of nutrition diet for your dog or cat; you can take help from a good cook book.

The homemade dog food that is prepared at home is normally considered or listed at the most healthy dog food. Whatever the breed of your dog is, you should take care of its health to the maximum. There is no doubt in the benefits of preparing dog food for your pet at home, because it brings with it good health of your pet as well the saving of your money at your convenience.

What to Think About Before You Start to Teach Your Dog Tricks

When you want to teach your dog tricks there are a few important items to keep in mind. Issues like how much time should you spend on your dog training, and how you should go about to teach your dog the actual trick.

As a rule I say to make sure to teach your dog the action of the trick first. Then you can attach the command word to the trick. This is the same rule for any obedience training.

If your dog seems very uncomfortable with a trick, and does not seem to understand what you want or does not seem able to do as you want, after you have been working on it for a few days, then maybe skip this trick for now and move on. Think about how you are teaching this particular trick. Think about why the dog is not understanding it. Nevertheless, jumping back and forth from trick to trick is not a good idea. Although occasionally a dog just has trouble with one set of movements.

Do not try and train your dog on a trick that might interfere with a specific health problem. If your dog has back problems, then a trick such as rolling over might be too difficult. Do not force tricks on him. Test him and respect his limitations. If he feels he is letting you down, the training will not be much fun for him either. Having success if makes training more fun for the dog as it does for you lol.

Make sure that your training sessions are done without outside distractions and do not work on a trick for too long. Praise and reward your dog for performing what you asked of him. DO NOT punish him for not doing the trick correctly. Just keep working on it. Always remember that tricks are enjoyment for the two of you. It is not a race to the end of each trick. This is a journey of enjoyment and learning together. Some dogs are cleverer than others and some learn some tricks very quickly. Sometimes your dog will learn a trick after just one session. However, do not rush into the next trick and teach him three on the same day. Stick to this same trick for a few days. It give a good success feel for the dog when he is repeating a trick. Just look at his waggling tail for your proof of his enjoyment.

Doing tricks teaches you a lot about your dog and his potential. Training to do dog tricks can be very rewarding and a fun experience for your dog and you. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you enjoy this bonding experience with man's best friend.

Innotek Collars: How to Train Your Dogs Not to Bark Obnoxiously

Obnoxious barking from a family dog can be stressful, especially when you want some quiet time and peace of mind. It is utterly normal for dogs to bark, but when they bark at the most inappropriate of all times, during the night or for no apparent reason at all, it would be best to train him.

Excessive barking can be a sign of a dog's lack of discipline. Innotek Collars are specially created to train your dogs not too bark too much. The Innotek dog collar is recognized as one of the most exceptional dog collars in the Gun Dog training industry.

This dog shock collar works by utilizing a transmitter that activates the dog collar, which prompts it to emit a light stimulation that teaches the dog not to bark. The collar does not activate unless the transmitter button is pressed. The owner can press the button for a maximum of ten seconds but no longer beyond that to prevent abuse.

The Innotek training collar is also available in an automatic form, where the device senses if your dog is barking and emits light shocks. Because this type of collar is automatic, it can function without transmitters so it is hassle-free and very easy to use. The collar is ultra-compact and it does not hinder the dogs in any way. It is also waterproof and comes with NiMH rechargeable batteries.

Automatic Innotek collars work by sensing when your dog barks. Once it does, it corrects your dog promptly, albeit humanely. The unit will never activate with ambient noise or other loud noises. The device only works when attached to your dog's neck, so you never have to worry about anything else triggering your dog's collar.
Other electronic dog collars provide shocks that are too strong and usually emit them inappropriately.

With the Innotek collars, you can teach your dog without harming him.

Solvit 62283 Deluxe Bench Seat Cover for Pets

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